vendredi 5 septembre 2014

Entraînement de 10 minutes avec une serviette

Drive 10 minutes with a towel 
Here's a workout just 10 minutes, but still asking to run anywhere, with a simple towel. 
Text by Brent Bishop; Video by Roger Kao 
Entraînement de 10 minutes avec une serviette
Everyone has a dish cloth or towel at home. This simple household tools and a floor on which we can create a slide right context to execute toll this intense workout. As these exercises require several stretching movements, start slowly at the beginning of each session. This will allow your muscles and tendons to get used to the range of motion. 

Conduct of the exercise 

Warm-up: the first minute of each exercise allows you to put the major muscle groups in movement. 
Assess the intensity you use a stopwatch on your phone or clock with a second hand to measure the duration of each exercise. At the end of a segment, you must feel that working muscles are ready to move to the next exercise. 
Stretch and recovery: during the last minute, reduce the intensity of the movements to lower your heart rate, such as walking around the room, then stretch the major muscle groups that you did work.

Vidéo en anglais

8 ways to train without thinking

8 ways to train without thinking 
Training is not just to spend hours on the treadmill. Our daily activities can be transformed into aerobic exercises. 

Le balai - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

the broom 
According to a Scottish study on health, household chores can also be good for your health a session at the gym. So feel free to dust vigorously, vacuuming, floor washing or cleaning windows. However, you must fully invest in these tasks by using every opportunity for walking, lifting and stretching. For example, dusting the top of a wardrobe, stretch fully.
La télécommande - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

the remote 
Always choose the action against the idleness. For example, instead of using the remote, get up to go turn off the TV. Repeated ten times a day, this action alone annually consumes 15 000 kJ, equivalent to 500 grams of fat.

Le multitâche - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

Does not remain seated: dusting while listening to the radio, iron stand, walk while talking on the phone. It is released by researchers at the University of Missouri who say that sitting posture significantly affects how the body processes fat message.

La carte d’autobus - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

The bus pass 
Leave the car at home and go shopping by bus. According to researchers at Imperial College London, a bus trip requires a good walk to get off and when you arrive at your destination. In addition, transportation procurement requires energy, which means more kilojoules expended.

Le jardinage - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

Research at the University of the State of Kansas show that gardening can be an effective exercise. Bending over to pull weeds, cut the top branches, squatting to pick up the dead flowers and stretch through the rake are good exercises for flexibility. Carry a bucket of water, pushing a wheelbarrow and lifting pots are all activities that require strength. An hour of vigorous gardening can consume 3000 kJ.

La promenade du chien - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

Walking the Dog 

According to researchers from the University of Missouri, walk with a dog is better for your physique as walking with a friend form. The researchers found that those who walked with a dog had increased their walking speed by 28% compared to 4% for those who walked with a friend or spouse.

Le tourbillon - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

the whirlwind 
The fact move can boost your cardiovascular fitness and be a determining factor between being fat or skinny. Instead of remaining seated motionless're moving your legs, get up and rassoyez you, tap your feet, strum with your fingers or seedy places. 
Give it 1/5

La cuisine active - 8 façons de s’entraîner sans même y penser

The busy kitchen 
Peel, slice, stir, mix and beat are activities that consume more kilojoules than the preparation in the microwave oven for a ready meal. And if you really want to sweat, try making your own bread kneading the dough is good exercise and therapeutic activity.

Want to lose weight? Sleep on it!

Want to lose weight? Sleep on it! 
Quality sleep can help you lose weight. Here are six tips to help you sleep better and as a result, lose weight! 
By Sue Mah 

1 Relax before going to bed 
Read, meditate or do some stretching. Listen to relaxing music or taking a bath. You may also sleep better if you take a non-caffeinated tea before retiring for the night.

10 habits to take to keep her tiny waist

Losing weight is not easy and maintain our hourglass is even more difficult. Here are some tips to help you stay on track every day! 
Elise T.Turcotte

Profitez de chaque moment - 10 habitudes à prendre pour garder sa taille de guêpe

Enjoy every moment 
If you do not have time for a visit to the gym or if you're too tired to your normal routine, take a small still 15 minutes to do an exercise before going out or dinner. You will feel much better, especially if you spend the day sitting at your computer!

6 things never to the bathroom!

We all need to operate flushing toilets and hand washing soaps, but what about the other rules of etiquette? Here are answers to this question that you never dared to ask!

1 Do not make sure your guests have toilet paper. 
Make sure your guests have toilet paper, soap, a towel and bath towels. Make sure they are clearly visible and there are one or two rolls of paper. If they sleep with you, let them, if necessary, to the whims of your shower: nobody likes to receive an unexpected cold running water.

2 Leave the toilet mess 
There is no doubt that the thing not to do is leave the place a mess. Make it a habit to consider any bathroom, whether at work or at someone as if it were your own. If you splashed water on the sink, wipe it with a tissue. If you use a seat protector, make sure to completely evacuate.

3 Continue the conversation with your boss entering the toilet 
If possible, refrain from any conversation outside the friendly greetings; there are people who prefer not to talk while they are on the toilet.

4 do not prevent that there are more hygienic paper 
If you use the last roll in public restrooms or at work, first see if there are others nearby. If it does not, report to the department head. At the very least, tell the person who is about to take your place.

5 Use your phone to the bathroom 
Turn your phone off. It's more polite to others who are there, but also for your partner. It's really not very difficult to seek someone the sound of a flushing during a conversation.

6 You dodge after blocking the toilet 
This happens to us all. If you have clogged the toilet, press the toilet handle and try to fix the problem. If you do not succeed, it is your responsibility to prevent those responsible. Do not worry, public facilities and offices have everything you need. Also that this happens more often than you would the

Get a flatter stomach, reduce bulges and love handles cold

If you want a flat stomach, improve your figure, or if you try to get rid of stubborn fat in the belly, thighs or arms technology now available at aesthetic medical SKIN, Montreal might interest you. Intrigued by this new procedure known as CoolSculpting offered by Dr. Manish Khanna dermatologist at his clinic, writing Best Health wanted to put to the test. Before describing in detail our experience, some brief explanations about this amazing new technology.

The CoolSculpting: how does it work? 

Developed by researchers at Harvard, the technology applied directly to the skin uses the cold to "freeze" and destroy fat cells, but without damaging the dermis, tissue or nerves targeted areas. Is that the fat in the fat are much more sensitive to cold than the content of other cell types. Thus, thanks to a precise temperature, the CoolSculpting happens to target only fat cells. 

Once "frozen" by this technology, the fat cells are destroyed by cold and eliminated by the body. The first results are usually visible a few weeks after treatment, while the most important results will normally be visible from two to three months after the first session. The body, however, continue to get rid of fat cells for up to six months after treatment. 

Note that CoolSculpting is made to "sculpt" the shape and get rid of stubborn fat, and is not made for a more comprehensive weight loss. It is also very important that this treatment is done under the supervision of health professionals, as is the case at the Clinique SKIN. Some clinics indeed offer this new technology, but without medical supervision. 

Best Health will make a detailed account of the results in the coming months. But first, here is how was our experience CoolSculpting treatment. 

Testbed CoolSculpting 

Day 1: The meeting 
Before starting treatment, I first met the team of this medical aesthetic clinic. During this first meeting, the dermatologist Dr. Manish Khanna and his team took the time to explain the procedure in detail and assessed my needs. 

Each patient may indeed decide to receive treatment at various locations. I chose to test the CoolSculpting at the sides (you know, those famous love handles!). In women, the regions of the thighs, abdomen, back and arms are often treated. In men, the abdomen, flanks, lower back and chest are particularly popular target areas. 

As every body is unique, the team of Dr. Manish Khanna then made an assessment of the type of fat found in the targeted area to determine what is the best of both techniques CoolScupting to adopt. In my case, as the fat was located rather deeper in the skin (a fatty firmer to the touch) it is preferable to use the CoolSculpting applicator which is placed against the skin and freezes the fat is situated in the selected section for about 2 hours. 

Another approach is further available CoolSculpting: when the fat is on the surface of the skin (a fatty softer to the touch), while it is possible to drag the skin between two cooling panels. A vacuum then helps place the bead between the two wafers. The sensation is that of a suction pressure closes that allows to "freeze" and eliminate fat optimally. 

After this initial meeting and assessment, we decided that the first option or the applicator, was the preferred option. So I was finally ready to receive the treatment provided few days after the first date. 

Day 2: Treatment 
Back at the clinic, we reviewed the entire procedure. The first step of the treatment was to apply a gel on the areas that I wanted to be treated (left and right side). With this gel, the skin is protected from the cold, but still leaves the cold CoolSculpting penetrate the skin. 

Then you must position itself to allow the applicator is properly installed and reaches a maximum of fat cells on the treated areas. Lying on his stomach, it was possible to place the applicator first on my left, then my right flank. 

During the first minutes of treatment, you get a great sensation and pain due to cold. After about 10 minutes, the area becomes numb and the pain disappears. In my case, it's not the applicator that bothered me, but being in bed two hours away on the belly. After a brief pause, the treatment on the right flank then started. 

At the end of processing each target area, then the technician proceeded to massage the treated areas to free the destroyed fat cells. This massage creates some pain, but is nonetheless necessary because it ensures maximum efficacy. 

And after? It's over: We are ready to resume daily activities. Note that the treated areas are completely insensitive, a rather strange and uncomfortable at first sensation. That said, at the time of this writing, about two weeks after receiving the treatment, I start to regain normal sensation in the treated areas. 

It is important to note that a person on the other, side effects may vary. Some people may have bruises, or "blue", while a minority of patients may have a cyst that appears after treatment. Others experience more severe pain after treatment.

What's nice is that after this non-invasive treatment, no pills, supplements or treatment is needed. In addition, only one treatment is necessary. In about 2-3 months so I should see much results ... and let's say I already can not wait. So stay on the lookout: we will keep you informed of the final results!

jeudi 4 septembre 2014

Sexual Problems in Women

There are many problems that can keep a woman from enjoying sex. They include:
- Lack of sexual desire
- Inability to become aroused
- Lack of orgasm, or sexual climax
- Painful intercourse

These problems may have physical or psychological causes. Physical causes may include conditions like diabetes, heart disease, nerve disorders or hormone problems. Some drugs can also affect desire and function. Psychological causes may include work-related stress and anxiety. They may also include depression or concerns about marriage or relationship problems. For some women, the problem results from past sexual trauma.

Occasional problems with sexual function are common. If problems last more than a few months or cause distress for you or your partner, you should see your healthcare provider. 

Sports Injuries

Exercising is good for you, but sometimes you can injure yourself when you play sports or exercise. Accidents, poor training practices or improper gear can cause them. Some people get hurt because they are not in shape. Not warming up or stretching enough can also lead to injuries.

The most common sports injuries are:
- Sprains and strains
- Knee injuries
- Swollen muscles
- Achilles tendon injuries
- Pain along the shin bone
- Fractures
- Dislocations

If you get hurt, stop playing. Continuing to play or exercise can cause more harm. Treatment often begins with the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) method to relieve pain, reduce swelling and speed healing. Other possible treatments include pain relievers, keeping the injured area from moving, rehabilitation and sometimes surgery.

Sports Fitness

Sports can be a great way to get in shape or stay that way. Having a specific goal can be a great motivator. Physically, you need strength and endurance. Your training will vary with your sport. You would not train the same way for pole vaulting as for swimming. You might, however, cross train. Cross training simply means that you include a variety of fitness activities in your program. Research shows that cross training builds stronger bones. 

Remember to listen to your body. If you frequently feel exhausted or you are in pain, you may be overdoing it. Injuries can be the result. And be sure that you use your body and your equipment safely. What you eat and drink is also important. Water is the most important nutrient for active people. Drink it before, during and after workouts. 

Rare Diseases

A disease is rare if fewer than 5 people out of 10,000 have it. This definition changes from country to country. There are more than 7,000 rare diseases. Many rare diseases are caused by changes in genes and are called genetic diseases.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that you can get from having sex with someone who has the infection. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites and viruses. There are more than 20 types of STDs, including

• Chlamydia
• Gonorrhea
• Herpes Simplex
• Syphilis
• Trichomoniasis
Most STDs affect both men and women, but in many cases the health problems they cause can be more severe for women. If a pregnant woman has an STD, it can cause serious health problems for the baby.
If you have an STD caused by bacteria or parasites, your health care provider can treat it with antibiotics or other medicines. If you have an STD caused by a virus, there is no cure. Sometimes medicines can keep the disease under control. Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading STDs.

Healthy Sleeping

Sleep is a very important component of good health. Adequate sleep is necessary to help us learn better, fight disease, and avoid stress. If you get less sleep than you need (about 8 hours a night), eventually your body will demand repayment of the lost hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can interfere with work, driving and social activities. Although people can get used to a sleep-deprived schedule, it can negatively affect your judgment, reaction time, and put you at risk if you are performing functions that require your full abilities. Not enough sleep can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. Sleep gives your heart and vascular system a much-needed rest. Deep sleep helps with the repair of cells and tissues, and it is important to rest and sleep if you are ill. Lifestyle habits can affect your sleep patterns. Establishing a set sleep schedule can help. Exercising should be done 5 or 6 hours before bedtime. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol and try not to have heavy meals in the evening. Establishing a pleasant sleeping environment and planning your day so there is time for relaxation in the evening will help promote healthy sleep.

Weight Management

If you are overweight, you are not alone. Achieving a healthy weight can help you control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.

Eating too much or not being physically active enough will make you overweight. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat.

A weight-control strategy might include:
- Choosing low-fat, low-calorie foods
- Eating smaller portions
- Drinking water instead of sugary drinks
- Being physically active 

Avoiding Weight Gain When Quitting Tobacco

Many people have concerns about gaining weight when they decide to quit using 
tobacco. Nicotine can act as an appetite suppressant. You may feel hungrier when 
you stop using tobacco. 
Quitting tobacco use does not mean you will gain weight. Some people gain 4 to 
10 pounds during the first few months of quitting, but many people lose this weight 
as they adjust to life as a non-tobacco user. 
Reasons for why weight gain may occur
• You may eat to replace the behavior of smoking or using tobacco. You may feel 
the need to keep your hands or mouth busy. 
• Instead of tobacco, food can become a substitute. You may eat during stress, 
boredom or at social events.
• Your sense of smell and taste may improve after quitting. When food tastes 
better, you may eat more, even if you are not really hungry. 
You can reduce the chance of weight gain
If you eat a healthy diet and stay physically active, you can greatly reduce your 
chance of gaining weight. Have a plan to deal with stress, boredom or other 
situations that does not involve food. Try some of these tips to keep your weight 
under control.
• Eat healthy:
 Snack on healthy foods like carrots, apples or other fresh fruits and 
vegetables. Fresh vegetables are often low in calories.
 Limit foods that are high in sugar or fat such as candy, chips, soda, cakes or 
 Drink at least 8 cups of water each day.
 Try sugar free gum, hard candy or a few sunflower seeds to cut the urge to 
• Be active:
 Take walks.
 Use the stairs instead of elevators.
 Park your car in the lot furthest away from the entrance.
 Work in your garden or do yard work.
 Ride a bike or do other activities you enjoy.
• Other things to try:
 Use toothpicks, straws or rubber bands to fulfill your hand to mouth habit.
 Keep your hands busy by working on puzzles or read, knit or do crafts.
 Call a friend for support.
 Track your eating habits by keeping a food diary to help you maintain a 
healthier diet.
 Brush your teeth after eating meals so you are less likely to continue to eat 
when your meal is finished.
• Lastly, keep a list of your reasons for quitting close by to help you stay on your 
path to a tobacco free life. 

Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have questions about quitting tobacco use,